Airsoft, like paintball, is an immensely popular combat sport that has taken the globe by storm.

Just also, like paintball, information technology tin can be a scrap daunting to get started – because information technology certainly seems similar you need a lot of gear from the showtime.

That'southward why nosotros've decided to suspension down the nuts in this commodity, and explain what to wear for airsoft for anyone who needs pointing in the right management.

But there'due south plenty of tips and advice for one-time pros, too – also as some interesting info you might not be aware of.

Allow'due south get into it, soldier, then we can get you onto the field and into the action equally soon every bit possible.

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  • What is Airsoft?
  • Types of Airsoft Games
  • BB Pellets
  • Airsoft Guns
  • What to Wear for Airsoft – The Bones List
    • Mask/Goggles
    • Tops
    • Bottoms
    • Gloves
    • Footwear
    • Protective Pads
    • On the Caput
    • Tips for the Girls
    • Tips for the Boys
  • What Non to Wear for Airsoft
  • Extra Advice
  • FAQs
    • Does airsoft hurt?
    • What hurts more a paintball or airsoft gun?
    • What should I vesture for my commencement airsoft?
    • Can airsoft BBs pierce wear?
    • What should I bring to an airsoft game?
    • What condom gear is needed for airsoft?
    • Exercise yous demand a mask for airsoft?
    • What to wear for airsoft in hot weather?
    • Tin can airsoft guns kill?
    • Is airsoft expensive?
  • Summary

What is Airsoft?

Airsoft is a combat sport whereby participants use realistic guns to fire BB pellets at enemy players, thus eliminating them from the game.

It can be played one versus i, or – more likely – in a squad with whatsoever number of players.

Merely did you know that airsoft really predates paintball?

It has been around since the 1970s in Japan, whereas paintball wasn't invented until the early 1980s.

However, airsoft didn't really take hold until the 1990s, and since then it has adult a massive following worldwide, with new players always smashing to see what all the fuss is about.

You lot just accept to look at how many fields are beingness established, or how many hits YouTube airsoft videos receive to understand just how popular it is.

Not to mention its utilise in military and police enforcement tactics and training – which is another similarity it shares with paintball.

The main difference between the two sports, is that airsoft relies on an award system of calling out when you've been hit.

With paintball, hits will be clearly seen every bit the pellet will splatter dye across your wear post-obit a successful shot.

But maybe the chief reward with airsoft, is that guns, equipment, and apparel is vastly more realistic.

airsoft soldier with a rifle playing strikeball

Types of Airsoft Games

Equally a combat sport, the possibilities are limitless for the types of games you can play, and the different scenarios i might meet when engaged in battle on an airsoft field or arena.

  • Team deathmatch is ane of the most popular and regularly played airsoft games as it'due south very accessible for big groups, and basically involves i team scoring more kills or eliminating more than players than the other.
  • Capture the flag has teams attempting to locate and steal their opponent'due south flag and return information technology to their home base earlier the carrier is shot.
  • King of the loma is a siege-style game whereby one team digs in across a defensive position and the other team has to assault.
  • Other games might include hostage rescue, presidential assassination/protect, and zombies – which can involve some players dressing upwardly as the undead and attempting to "swallow" the living…
  • Speedsoft is a fast-paced, close-quarters version of the game where players are in a smaller arena (normally indoors) and need to take out the opposition within a time frame of around iv to 5 minutes.
  • And MilSim is a hugely popular variation of airsoft – a Armed forces Simulation – where players try to be as accurate to real-world armed forces, weapons, and tactics every bit possible.

BB Pellets

For you to go a meliorate understanding of what to wear for airsoft, information technology's a adept idea to explain a bit near the kind of armament you're going to be facing.

The pellets that airsoft guns fire are six millimeter plastic BBs or "ball bearings." Note that for airsoft they're strictly plastic and non metal similar in a traditional air rifle.

The most common weigh for these pellets is 0.20 grams, although heavier BBs are preferred in some weapons for improved range, particularly with these airsoft sniper rifles.

Providing you're wearing suitable protective gear, if you're hit with a BB pellet, you'll feel anything from a quick sting or nip – to barely anything at all – depending on what range and velocity it'due south fired at.

Airsoft Guns

I of the most heady aspects of airsoft is in owning, collecting, upgrading, and firing the replica guns.

This is where airsoft excels over paintball – the realism of these firearms is unbeatable. This is why all airsoft guns legally accept to have a bonfire orange tip to identify it from a real firearm.

Guns are fired using either a bound system, with "greenish" gas, Co2, or compressed air, or as an AEG (Automated Electrical Gun) with a rechargeable battery pack.

The range, ability, and velocity an airsoft gun is capable of will depend on the type of gun information technology is, the quality of the weapon, and how much or how trivial information technology'southward been upgraded.

In North America, most commercial airsoft fields allow weapons to fire up to 350 fps (anxiety per second), although if you're playing a private game wait that effigy to be higher.

High-end airsoft guns and models that have been finely tuned and customized can burn down upward to 600 fps and maybe more than – especially with gas-powered rifles.

Either way, you lot yet demand some protective gear, and so permit'due south take a look at exactly what that is.

airsoft sniper with automatic rifle and mask

What to Clothing for Airsoft – The Bones Listing

While many people recall you need a load of professional-looking gear to start playing airsoft, in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Just because you meet all these regular players kitted out like a Navy SEAL doesn't mean to say that's where you have to start.

As with paintball – you don't demand to purchase anything new if you don't want to – as most decent airsoft fields volition have kit and guns for hire.

If you like that sport, and it'southward something you experience yous can get into – then y'all can start to put together your ain personal kit.

And take a look at this list of what to wear for paintball for a comparison – or if you'd only rather be a paintballer instead.


The single nearly important particular on this list will be your mask/goggles set up.

And different paintball, this doesn't have to cover the full confront.

Y'all might come across many regular and experienced airsofters only using condom/shooting spectacles or goggles.

While this does have its advantages (more than realistic, not restrictive, zero fogging) BBs tin can still injure, especially if fired from close range.

Equally such, I would highly recommend wearing both some class of eye protection, and a lower confront mask – particularly if y'all're a beginner.

This is where the all-time paintball masks tin can frequently exist a skilful choice, as they're usually an all-in-one set that provides coverages to the full face – including the ears.

Airsoft masks vary wildly in design, but the near pop combination tends to be eye goggles and a split up lower fabric/metallic mesh face mask.

Caput over to wait at this review on the all-time airsoft facemasks to encounter some slap-up examples.

Players similar to mix and match, finding the right eye protection and lower confront protection to accommodate their look.

But no matter what you expect like, or what combination you lot prefer, one thing should ever be remembered and adhered to.

Eye protection should completely embrace and seal around your eyes, and be able to withstand impacts without shattering.

No gaps, no spaces, no mesh, no exceptions. Zip for a BB pellet to be able to sneak or splinter through – because they tin, and they will.

Check out these height-quality airsoft goggles every bit the bare minimum piece of equipment you need to enter the field.


Airsoft pellets don't hurt equally much as paintballs, simply that doesn't mean to say they won't leave a mark on unprotected skin – and give you a sharp sting while they're at it.

And as they don't burst on affect and splash dye all over you lot, you tin get away with wearing near anything you lot similar.

However, I would yet recommend dressing for the weather, and in something yous don't mind getting dirty anyway. Layers are a good idea so y'all tin have off/put on if you get hot or cold.

Long-sleeved T-shirts are probably the best choice of peak when yous're just starting out. Or, a lightweight, comfortable hoodie is a expert option.

Airsoft clothes don't need to be every bit baggy as paintball attire (tight clothing increases the chances of a paintball breaking on y'all), so yous tin can accept more class-fitting tops if y'all desire.

Still, loose vesture will lessen the sting should you get hitting.

And a word on colors – while you lot don't need to become in full BDU (Battle Dress Compatible) or some types of camouflage, it might help to non article of clothing blaze orange. Endeavor to wear darker, muted tones – especially if you're playing indoors.

airsoft man with optical sight sniper rifle


For starting time-timers, jeans are often the pants of option in both airsoft and paintball. They're sturdy, they offer decent protection, and unless they're a brand-new pair of 501s, you're not going to heed them getting messed up.

Cargo pants are besides a feasible option, equally are sweatpants.

However, everyone should own a pair of tactical pants anyhow, as aside from airsoft, you can habiliment them for literally hundreds of other activities.

They offering a realistic, MilSim vibe, as well every bit existence practical with plenty of pockets to store your gear, such every bit extra magazines and ammo.

Regular airsofters volition tell you that supporting your knees is a lifesaver when it comes to playing the game.

So, it's worth picking up a pair of the best tactical pants with knee pads to offer additional protection – platonic if y'all like taking upward a sniping position and are always getting down on the ground.

And speaking of sniping, take a wait at the best airsoft sniper rifles if that's a role you'd been not bad to try out.


BB pellets can sting, and if you accept exposed skin anywhere on your torso and your flesh takes a hit, you'll know nigh it.

While never life-threatening, it certainly might leave a mark and you'll take a welt for a few days.

Merely they can besides break the pare in certain places – such equally the joints or duke of your hands.

Therefore, information technology'south a actually skillful idea to add some protection here and clothing a pair of suitable gloves.

And if you really desire to take the edge going into your first game, it'due south worth checking out the all-time tactical shooting gloves on the market.

Non only volition your digits be protected, but they will offering you the dexterity to dispense your weapon, with excellent grip, as well as having the realistic wait and feel of the armed forces.


Never to be disregarded, what you're wearing on your feet is vitally important when playing whatever kind of combat sport.

Don't underestimate the amount of running y'all'll be doing as you dart for cover, or charge an enemy base.

If you tin can, get an idea of the terrain you'll be playing on beforehand and take that into consideration.

But whether you're indoor or outdoor, a pair of training/running shoes is ideal, just hiking boots are recommended.

For realism, combat boots are preferred by MilSim players, so you lot tin go that road if you want to. The advantage here is they offer fantabulous support to the talocrural joint.

Because, like paintball, the number i, numero uno injury is to that joint. Ankle injuries are par for the course in combat sports, so your footwear should offer as much support as possible in that region.

(And watching where y'all're going helps immensely also, which tin sometimes exist difficult if you're under fire.)

Finally, supportive, moisture-wicking socks are essential. No arguments.

Wait after your anxiety, and they volition expect later you. That'southward some quality life advice for free, right at that place.

airsoft woman in uniform with tactical gear and airsoft machine gun

Protective Pads

One of the most mutual questions about airsoft from potential new players is "does it injure?"

The answer is aye and no.

Depending on your level of protection, the range, the velocity of the airsoft gun, and a couple of other factors (similar some A-hole overshooting) you lot might feel it, and y'all might not.

Extra padding isn't actually necessary (specially for your first few games) providing you're happy with what you lot're wearing and your skin is covered.

All the same, it'south well worth considering padding not to protect yourself from BB hits, simply to protect your knees, hips, elbows, and wrists from impact damage when diving effectually on the floor.

And you'll see many airsofters wearing ane of these crawly tactical vests, which non only offer great torso protection, but provide loads of storage options for clips and other useful gear and equipment.

On the Head

It's amazing to see how much attention to item MilSim airsofters put into their games.

More often than not, they're wearing a full tactical BDU with FAST gainsay helmets (Time to come Set on Shell Applied science).

You don't demand to do that for your first airsoft experience.

If you're concerned about having extra protection for your head and neck, so y'all can always choose to wear a bandana, lightweight scarf, neck gator, or baseball game cap – and you'll see many players wearing such items on the field.

The shemagh is an first-class addition to your airsoft headgear – a multi-functional garment that originated in the Middle East for protection against the dominicus, dust, and sand.

You'll come across many airsofters wearing a military-style version of this item, as not only does it offer protection against hits, it's also keen for keeping cool, soaking upwards sweat, and looking like a badass.

Note: The shemagh (or keffiyeh equally it's also known) is culturally significant in sure regions of the globe, and you should read upward on its background if you're going to wear i.

Watch this informative video below for ideas on how to necktie one properly.

Tips for the Girls

A padded sports bra is recommended for women. Boosted chest protection isn't necessary, merely it'southward entirely upward to you lot if you want to wear it.

Have a look at some of the best tactical pants for women for applied clothing designed with females in heed, and perfect for airsoft.

Tips for the Boys

Getting hit in the gonads is pretty rare in airsoft, but if you want to wear a cup then information technology's upward to you lot. Simply a decent pair of pants should be sufficient, though, and tactical pants/BDU are usually reinforced in this expanse anyway.

If you're playing speedsoft however, (a fast-paced, close-quarters version of airsoft), then y'all might want to add together some extra protection to the rocks.

Still, most players never bother and are courteous plenty to non shoot in the genital area – which is an unwritten rule in general.

airsoft players holding guns amid smoke in forest

What NOT to Wear for Airsoft

Below y'all'll find an inexhaustive list of what you should Non wear when playing airsoft. It helps to remind some experienced players of these pointers from fourth dimension to time, too.

  • Brusque sleeve shirts or shorts. We go it, you're really hard. Just if a BB pings off your skin from close range, that shit is gonna leave a mark, and nosotros'll hear your howl from the other side of the field.
  • Poor quality goggles and face mask. Call back – at the very least it should be a pair of ANSI (American National Standards Plant) approved safety glasses/goggles that seal completely around your eyes with no gaps.
  • Inappropriate footwear, or footwear with no socks. Nil more needs to be said.
  • Restrictive clothing – or too much wearable. You're going to get existent hot, real fast, so keep things breathable. And you need a full range of movement, so don't wearable anything that might impede your maneuverability.
  • Any insignia or badges from existent life war machine regiments/platoons. Most Vets are perfectly fine with airsofters wearing realistic BDU or military fatigues, simply effort to avoid wearing annihilation that claims to be something you're not. You need to earn that shit, first.

Information technology'southward a adept thought to bring along a small twenty-four hours pack of some description, because if there'due south one other vitally important affair y'all need to carry with you – it's plenty of water.

Never stop topping upwards on the aqua – you're going to need it – and so you lot'll need somewhere to stash information technology.

Yous could try one of these tactical backpacks if you're going for realism, but just something to sling over your shoulder is perfectly fine.

If you're playing a sure scenario, you might be required to habiliment additional wearable, gear, or equipment to represent a character, such as a medic, president, hostage, bad guy, or zombie, for example.

Scenario games are usually arranged in accelerate, so contact your local field to see if they run such events and if you can join in.


Does airsoft hurt?

It tin do, specially if you lot've not covered your skin and you're hit with a high-powered burglarize at shut range.

Even when non at close range, a BB hitting can still leave a mark and give yous nasty sting if you're non properly covered up.

Of grade, this is up to you if yous want to risk that. The simply thing y'all're required to wear is safe goggles. Check out the video beneath for some honest feedback on the airsoft pain level.

What hurts more than a paintball or airsoft gun?

The contend rages on, and it does depend on a few factors such equally the ability of the gun, the range, and how much or how little protection you lot're wearing.

Airsoft guns generally burn down with a higher fps rate than their paintball counterparts.

Nonetheless, all things being equal, a paintball hurts more than than a BB, for the uncomplicated fact that it'due south larger.

What should I wearable for my showtime airsoft?

In a nutshell, comfy pants, long-sleeved T-shirt or light hoodie, expert-quality footwear, and socks.

And most chiefly and in a higher place all – safety goggles or glasses that fit snug to your face up and completely comprehend your eyes.

Can airsoft Bulletin board system pierce clothing?

No. The velocity of a standard airsoft rifle would need to be significantly college in order to do so – and such a thing is only not allowed on any commercial field.

Remember, this is a sport that's been specifically designed to simulate gainsay – not actually injure anyone.

What should I bring to an airsoft game?

Yourself, water, and the fee to play if it's a commercial field.

Exterior that, you'll demand confront/eye protection if the field doesn't supply or hire out its own.

As well with the weaponry. Some fields don't have the ability to offering hire guns, and then you'll need to come equipped with your ain.

Bank check out this review of the best airsoft rifles if you lot're looking to buy your start airsoft weapon to become yous started in the sport.

What safety gear is needed for airsoft?

Eye goggles/safety spectacles is the bare minimum. A lower confront mask is too recommended, and adequate clothing that covers or protects your skin.

Other than that – you don't demand to add whatever additional protective gear if you lot don't want to, although I would heartily recommend a pair of gloves, as well.

Do you demand a mask for airsoft?

You lot don't need a mask – but ane is highly recommended as BB pellets have been known to take out teeth.

Heart protection is required at the very least, but I would heartily recommend protecting the rest of your face and neck as well.

What to wear for airsoft in hot weather?

Proficient question.

Lightweight vesture is preferable, such equally thin long-sleeve T-shirts, cargo, tactical, or hiking pants, and a shemagh-fashion headscarf should you wish to protect the head and/or neck.

It's advisable to bring layers so you tin accommodate depending on if y'all're running hot or cold.

Tin can airsoft guns kill?

No. Unless, of course, you're a pocket-sized rodent of some description – in which case you might very well be in trouble.

Of course, they can still hands put out an eye – so while they might not be lethal, they notwithstanding demand respecting and using responsibly.

Is airsoft expensive?

Aye and no. It all depends on how far yous desire to take it.

You can play with a minimum corporeality of gear (such every bit your own clothes), and with depression-cost or hired mask/goggles, and gun.

BBs are much cheaper than paintballs – which is why it's frequently cited equally being a more than budget-friendly pick to the pigment-splattering sport.

Still, if you actually desire to get serious, then y'all tin can end upward spending thousands of dollars on the hobby – especially if y'all're keen on authenticity, enjoy collecting the guns, or want to tape video footage of your games.

How much or how little you spend is entirely up to you lot – and your budget.


Airsoft is an energetic, fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled blitz that has taken the world by storm since it'south early days in 1970s Japan.

And for beginners, "what to wearable for airsoft?" is an important question.

I hope this commodity has shed some low-cal on the topic for you, and you're a step closer to enjoying your first game.

Happy airsofting – and stay prophylactic out in that location!